Event photo

Engageli: Introduction for New Users

Event type

Teaching Practice

Event bookings can only be created between

20/09/2024 - 19/10/2024

Seats in waiting list



Dave Ashworth, Jonathan Mason and Steven Williams


The objective of this course is to introduce you to the Engageli platform, giving you the knowledge and confidence you need to deliver online teaching that is active, social, inclusive and applied.

Before attending this session, please view these step-by-step guides/asynchronous courses (see Course Documents box below). These tasks will help you familiarise yourself with the basics of how to use Engageli and set up a practice classroom.

The session you have booked onto will cover:
• Experiencing core interactive features of Engageli (e.g. polls, table mode) with a large group
• Looking at common 'friction points' such as scheduling
• Asking questions and addressing any concerns

If you have any other questions/comments, please contact learningenhance@coventry.ac.uk

What are the benefits?

- Navigational Skills: Gain a thorough understanding of Engageli's user interface and key features
- Interactive Tools: Master the use of Engageli's built-in interactive features for enhanced student engagement.
- Technical Proficiency: Acquire skills to troubleshoot common technical issues ensuring a seamless teaching and learning experience.

Topics covered include:

User interface overview, demonstration of key features, considerations for designing sessions for delivery within Engageli

Who should attend?

• Staff delivering online teaching
• Module Leaders
• Curriculum Leads / Cluster Coordinators

Course Documents


Occasions for this event

Details about the occasions for this event is shown below. To add or edit occasions click on edit event to the right.

Occasion(s) Weekday Location Location status
Confirmed24/10/2024 14:00 - 15:00 Thursday Online 1 ( link to be sent nearer the time) Confirmed