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Building a roadmap for Student Digital Fluency: Online Hackathon

Event type


Event bookings can only be created between

17/06/2022 - 24/06/2022

Seats in waiting list


Topics covered include:



Daniel Villar-Onrubia

Course Documents



During the session we will present the format of the online hackathon and the main tools that facilitators and participants will use in order to generate ideas and sketch digital fluency roadmaps tailored to discipline-specific contexts.

What are the benefits?

The goal of this online hackathon is to support teams in discipline-specific contexts (e.g. curriculum clusters, course teams) in strategizing ways of embedding opportunities for the development of digital fluency among all their students.

By the end of the hackathon each team will have created a roadmap defining a range of resources (e.g. self-assessment tools, lesson plans for workshops, toolkits, assessments) aimed at supporting all students throughout various stages in their academic journey. The process will involve gaining insights into resources already available, such as Jisc’s Digital Capabilities Discovery Tool, as well as gaps that still need to addressed.

Who should attend?

This session is aimed at anyone interested in joining an online hackathon that will be hosted in August with the aim of collectively designing discipline-specific roadmaps to enhance students’ digital fluency.

Occasions for this event

Details about the occasions for this event is shown below. To add or edit occasions click on edit event to the right.

Occasion(s) Weekday Location Location status
Confirmed27/06/2022 12:00 - 13:00 Monday Online - link to be sent nearer the date Confirmed