Event photo

Getting started with Collaborative Online International Learning COIL

Event type

Leading and Designing Learning Experiences

Event bookings can only be created between

28/01/2021 - 26/02/2021

Course Documents



COIL team


Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) is the term that we use at Coventry University to refer to ‘virtual mobility’ experiences that are incorporated into the formal curriculum. In this course you will find out more about COIL, why and how to set up a COIL project, and begin drafting your own COIL project.

What are the benefits?

This course will support you in setting up a virtual mobility experience for your students that helps create global graduates with an understanding of cultures, languages and belief systems other than their own, so they may make a positive contribution to an increasingly multi-cultural, connected and complex world.

Topics covered include:

What is COIL?
What are the benefits of COIL?
Examples of successful COIL projects.
Sources of funding.
Designing a COIL project.

Who should attend?

Anyone from CU Group interested in setting up a COIL project for students for staff.

The information will be now delivered online via Microsoft Teams and you will be sent clear instructions to join.

Occasions for this event

Details about the occasions for this event is shown below. To add or edit occasions click on edit event to the right.

Occasion(s) Weekday Location Location status
Confirmed03/03/2021 14:00 - 16:00 Wednesday Confirmed