Event photo

(Webinar) EduHack CPD: Plan & Deliver Digitally-Supported Learning Experiences

Event type

Enhancing the Classroom Experience

Event bookings can only be created between

11/05/2020 - 06/06/2020

What are the benefits?


Course Documents


Who should attend?



Daniel Villar-Onrubia and Noah Mitchell


The EduHack set of CPD activities enables staff to develop and enhance their ability to plan and deliver digitally-supported learning experiences, with a focus on fostering collaborative learning and enhanced student engagement.

It consists of four strands (Digital Learning Resources, Teaching, Assessment and Empowering Learners) and those completing at least two activities per area will be able to request a certificate issued by the EduHack.eu Erasmus + Consortium.

You can check all the activities here https://eduhack.eu/course/

Topics covered include:

Any staff member interested in improving their ability to plan and facilitate digitally-enhanced learning experiences. 

In order to participate you will need your own computer on which to undertake the activities and headphones (to maintain audio quality in the group call). If possible, we'd prefer that participants enable their video cameras for the beginning of the webinar.

Occasions for this event

Details about the occasions for this event is shown below. To add or edit occasions click on edit event to the right.

Occasion(s) Weekday Location Location status
Confirmed27/05/2020 14:00 - 15:30 Wednesday Confirmed