Event photo

Engaging Students with Feedback

Event type

Assessment & Feedback

Event bookings can only be created between

08/04/2019 - 03/06/2019

Seats in waiting list


Who should attend?

staff who teach, assess and provide feedback to students


Alice Lau

Course Documents



The workshop will explore idea and strategies to engage students with feedback. The workshop will look at the different reasons contributing to the disengagement with feedback and how we can engage students in taking on a more active role in using and providing self and peer feedback.

What are the benefits?

Participants will get the opportunity to explore different feedback strategies and ideas and share good practice with colleagues.

Topics covered include:

Students and staff experience in assessment and feedback
dialogic feedback
strategies to engage students with feedback
self and peer feedback

Occasions for this event

Details about the occasions for this event is shown below. To add or edit occasions click on edit event to the right.

Occasion(s) Weekday Location Location status
Confirmed28/05/2019 14:00 - 16:00 Tuesday WM233 Confirmed