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Active Learning CoP #8: Apps for Active Learning, the key to student engagement?

Event type

Sharing Practice & Scholarship of Teaching & Learn

Event bookings can only be created between

20/02/2024 - 14/06/2024

Seats in waiting list


Topics covered include:


Course Documents


Who should attend?

Staff that teach and/or support teaching


As part of the Active Learning CoP (Community of Practice), we have invited Richard Beggs from Ulster University to discuss through an interactive session Ulster University’s journey using apps to encourage active learning in the classroom, labs and lecture theatres. In 2016 Ulster University started the “Apps for Active Learning” pilot. This led to over 250,000 student joins and countless more interactions. This pilot initially identified two apps: Nearpod and Mentimeter. Since, it has explored the VLE (Virtual Learning Environment), Padlet, AR (Augmented Reality)/VR (Virtual Reality), Vevox and Mersive Solstice. The session will also show the process of learning design using storyboarding and discuss lessons learned both from an implementation perspective, but staff adoption and student engagement.

Bio: Richard Beggs, NTF, SFHEA, CMALT, is a Senior Lecturer in Higher Education Practice at Ulster University based in the Centre for Curriculum Enhancement and Approval.

What are the benefits?

The participants will gain knowledge of Apps that they can use to enhance their learning design, and teaching practice.


Christina Magkoufopoulou, Guest speaker: Richard Beggs, Ulster University

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