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Active Learning CoP #6: Introduction to creative pedagogies - Outdoor learning
Event type
Sharing Practice & Scholarship of Teaching & Learn
Event bookings can only be created between
21/11/2023 - 14/12/2023
Seats in waiting list
Who should attend?
Open to anyone with an interest in active learning
Course Documents
As part of the Active Learning CoP (Community of Practice), we will be hearing from colleagues from the University of Glasgow on creative pedagogies for active learning. Nathalie Tasler and Vicki Dale will start with an overview of creative pedagogies and how they engage the head, heart and hands in learning. The practical focus is on outdoor pedagogies. Gareth Beale will present interactive media work conducted with field school archaeology students surveying landscapes in Glencoe. Matt Offord will present his work on eco-pedagogies with business and management students, focusing on authentic assessment in the era of AI and data. There will be opportunity for participants to reflect on and discuss the role of outdoor learning to actively engage students, exploring sub themes such as educational technology, inclusion, practical skills development, and assessment.
What are the benefits?
Participants will get to hear and interact with colleagues from the University of Glasgow, while having the opportunity to reflect and discuss on how similar creative pedagogies can be applied to their own context. Nathalie Tasler and Vicki Dale are Senior Lecturers in Academic and Digital Development.Nathalie’s work focuses on creative pedagogies and Scholarship of Learning and Teaching. Vicki’s main remit is to champion staff development for active learning. Gareth Beale is a Lecturer in Digital Archaeology. whose research focus is on the representation of the past using digital media. He examines the interplay between contemporary practices of creativity, making and archaeological research. Matt Offord is a Senior Lecturer in Leadership and Management Education, who aims to offer experience-based alternatives, such as outdoor learning and field trips (ecopedagogy) or games-based learning to complement more traditional teaching.
Topics covered include:
Creative pedagogies, active learning, outdoor learning, game-based learning.
Dr Christina Magkoufopoulou and Guest Speakers from University of Glasgow
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