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Artificial Intelligence and Academic Conduct
Event type
Sharing Practice & Scholarship of Teaching & Learn
Event bookings can only be created between
09/11/2023 - 16/11/2023
Seats in waiting list
Course Documents
Irene Glendinning, Chris Haycock
This session will present the guidance for staff and students developed during 2022-23 about appropriate and inappropriate uses of tools with artificial intelligence and the impacts on academic conduct.
What are the benefits?
To brief academic staff on the new guidance and resources and how it affects their role in setting assignments, marking, deterring and detecting academic integrity breaches.
Topics covered include:
Summary of new guidance for staff and students on use of tools with artificial intelligence; different types of AI tools; what constitutes legitimate use of each type of tool; acknowledging, describing, referencing; educating students for the future workplace; detecting and evidencing inappropriate use if AI tools; communicating with students and providing guidance and education
Who should attend?
Mainly aimed at staff with a teaching role, but any member of staff is welcome to attend.
The table below shows people who are attending this event, click the attendee name to view more details