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Light Bite: AI in Teaching and Learning: Beyond the Hype
Event type
Teaching Practice
Event bookings can only be created between
31/10/2023 - 27/11/2023
Topics covered include:
AI. Teaching.
Ian Upton
Course Documents
Designed for educators both new to and intrigued by the potential of Artificial Intelligence for teaching and learning, this workshop offers a practical exploration of AI's potential. We will look at how we can harness the power AI, from an educator's perspective, and discuss together how this ground-breaking technology can potentially elevate the student learning experience. Join us as we delve into the possibilities, tackle the challenges, and chart a course for harnessing AI to enrich and support student learning.
What are the benefits?
Provides an insight into the implications of AI and our teaching practice.
Who should attend?
Anyone involved in the teaching process who wants to know more about AI.
The table below shows people who are attending this event, click the attendee name to view more details