Event photo

Designing out Academic Misconduct

Event type

Assessment and Feedback Practices

Event bookings can only be created between

04/05/2023 - 13/06/2023

Seats in waiting list

0 of 1 filled

Who should attend?

Colleagues involved in teaching or supporting teaching.


Erika Hawkes and Martin Jenkins

Course Documents



This workshop explores how assessment and learning design can be used to counter academic misconduct. We'll look at reasons behind poor academic practice, examine assessment literacies approaches, and consider how assessment design focusing on process and authenticity can reduce opportunities for academic misconduct.

What are the benefits?

This workshop will be helpful if you have concerns over poor academic practice in your course, want to improve your students' assessment literacy, or want to explore alternate assessment design.

Topics covered include:

- Reasons for academic misconduct
- Designing authentic and personal assessment
- Offering low-stakes practice
- Improving students’ assessment literacies

People attending this event

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