Event photo

A practical Workshop on Inclusivity and Sense of Belonging

Event type

Enhancing Current Practice

Event bookings can only be created between

16/10/2020 - 23/11/2020

Topics covered include:



Nik Beer

Course Documents



This interactive and collaborative workshop offers you the opportunity to explore how student personas can be used to enable the design and delivery of an inclusive curriculum. You will work in small groups to investigate the needs of each persona and collaboratively generate solutions that can be integrated into your own teaching practice. You will also consider how you can measure the success of any changes you make.

What are the benefits?

This practical webinar will support you in designing an inclusive curriculum.

Who should attend?

Course directors, module leaders and anyone involved in curriculum design. We recommend that you attend the Introduction to Inclusivity and Sense of Belonging session first.

People attending this event

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