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WRAP - Prevent (Counter terrorism)

Event type

Topical Themes

Event bookings can only be created between

16/08/2019 - 24/01/2020

Topics covered include:




Course Documents



Prevent is just one part of the Government’s counter terrorism strategy (CONTEST) which is about stopping people from becoming radicalised and involved in activities that could potentially lead them into committing acts of terrorism. In the Government Prevent Guidance Higher Education Institutions are identified as one of the most important arenas for challenging extremist views and ideologies.

What are the benefits?

the workshop gives participants the opportunity to find out more about Prevent and their own roles and responsibilities around supporting / helping those individuals who may be vulnerable to the extremist ideology

Who should attend?

The workshop is particularly relevant for all staff involved in teaching or supporting students, particularly Academic and Personal Tutors. All Heads of School, Associate Deans, Course Administrators and Faculty Registry Staff are invited to attend.

People attending this event

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