Event photo

Travel Risk Assessment

Event type

Global Together Programme

Event bookings can only be created between

19/03/2019 - 01/06/2019

Seats in waiting list


Course Documents



Paul Symons, Securewest International


This interactive session will explore factors to be considered when approving travel to high risk destinations (either direct authorisation of trips or approval of risk assessments & ethics applications).

You will need to attend all of the session.

What are the benefits?

This one-day, interactive workshop will ensure that staff have the necessary skills and confidence to review completed risk assessments and make informed decisions to approve planned travel. It will also help key support staff to better assist travellers in completing risk assessments.

Topics covered include:

The session will enable delegates to:

•Understand what determines risk/components of risk
•Understand risks in context - how to interpret Red24/other risk info
•Know the key concepts and components contained in a risk assessment
•Understand the role and actions of the University in an incident and confirm the University’s emergency plans
•Be able to make go/no-go decisions based on residual risk and the institution’s threshold of acceptable risk
•Be able to communicate the institutions position on its policy, procedures and emergency plans
•A full understanding by all staff of their, and others, security roles and responsibilities.

Who should attend?

The session is for anyone whose role involves authorisation of travel to high or extreme risk destinations.

People attending this event

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