Event photo

Internal moderator Training

Event type

Enhancing Current Practice

Event bookings can only be created between

26/02/2019 - 27/03/2019

Seats in waiting list


Who should attend?

Academic Staff in FBL


Xue Zhou, Louise Wilson

Course Documents



The event is bespoke designed specifically for staff in the Faculty of FBL. A brief overview of the moderation process, moderation criteria, marking criteria and rubric design is presented. The session provides the opportunity to discuss the issues in the internal moderation process, including situations where internal moderators and module leaders may disagree, and sharing good practices of pre-and post-moderation within the Faculty.

What are the benefits?

Understand the process of internal moderation and be able to design robust marking criteria that allow consistent marking across the teaching team.

Topics covered include:

The role of internal moderator; moderation process, moderation criteria; marking criteria and rubric design

People attending this event

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