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Formative Assessments (What, Why, How?)

Event type

Assessment & Feedback

Event bookings can only be created between

03/01/2019 - 24/01/2019

Seats in waiting list

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Mojtaba A A


Formative Assessment & SOLO
An opportunity to explore the importance of formative assessment and activities and the ways in which to design these effectively, to help students reflect, learn, develop and boost their achievement. The workshop presents a new approach towards formative activities by using SOLO taxonomy stages.

What are the benefits?

After this workshop educators recognize the five stages of SOLO taxonomy and also the role and importance of formative assessments/activities in the classroom, they will also be able to use SOLO stages to design rich formative activities in their lesson planning.

Topics covered include:

 Formative assessments
 The difference between them and Summative assessments
 Spectrum of assessments and students’ learning journey
 SOLO taxonomy stages and using it for designing rich questions in the classroom

Who should attend?

The session is open to all lecturers, module leaders and course directors

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