Event photo

Planning Your Research Career

Event type

Research Training and Development

Event bookings can only be created between

18/10/2018 - 21/11/2018

Seats in waiting list

0 of 10 filled

Topics covered include:


Course Documents



This workshop will introduce you to Vitae's Researcher Development Framework to plan and manage your research career (as well as some other competency and developmental frameworks). During the workshop we will consider how best to evaluate and evidence your development needs as well as design a bespoke research development strategy. Attendees are asked to bring either a tablet or laptop to the session.

What are the benefits?

Learning Objectives

1) To use the RDF to evaluate development needs
2) To learn how to construct a portfolio of evidence to support claims about development and experience
3) To identify future actions and design a personal development strategy

Who should attend?

This workshops is useful for early career, middle career, and senior career researchers, as well as those supporting, supervising and managing researchers.


Kieran Fenby-Hulse, Centre for Research Capability and Development

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