Event photo

Basic First Aid

Event type

Health & Safety

Event bookings can only be created between

02/07/2018 - 31/07/2018

Seats in waiting list


Course Documents





Would you know what to do if faced with an injured or seriously ill person?

This short "hands on‟ workshop is designed to equip participants with the skills to take control and deal with emergencies when first aid assistance is not readily available.

What are the benefits?

Participants with take away the skills to be able to take control and deal with emergencies when first aid assistance is not readily available.

Topics covered include:

* Identifying an emergency situation

* Ensuring the safety of themselves, a casualty, or the public

* Performing lifesaving skills

* Preventing a casualty’s condition from deteriorating

* Promoting recovery of a casualty

*Recognising the legal requirements and responsibilities of someone trained in first aid.

Who should attend?

Specifically aimed at tutors involved in field courses, or members of staff who work either early or late shifts in isolated situations. However places will be given to interested members of staff where available.

People attending this event

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