Event photo

Placement H&S Briefing

Event type

Health & Safety

Event bookings can only be created between

30/05/2018 - 09/08/2018

Course Documents





This practical, interactive workshop outlines the key health and safety considerations that must be taken to when approving student placements (and similar activities). It outlines the key features approval processes should include and how to risk assess placement activities.
This session has been updated based on the revised Guidance on Placements.

What are the benefits?

A practical and applied course to which will ensure participants understand the requirements for approval of student placements (and other employability related activities) and how to risk assess individual placements.

Topics covered include:

* Approval process requirements
* University Policy & Guidance
* Risk assessment skills
* Applied examples

Who should attend?

Staff involved in approving student work placements (and other employability related activities)

People attending this event

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