Event photo

'Safer Edge' Personal Security - Travelling (2 day course)

Event type

Global Together Programme

Event bookings can only be created between

05/10/2017 - 31/10/2017

What are the benefits?




Course Documents



This highly participative course will prepare travellers whose work involves going to complex, fragile and hostile environments to understand their environment and protect their welfare.

Topics covered include:

The session will enable delegates to:
•Understand the likely risks in places you work in
•Build and maintain appropriate security awareness
•Reduce identified risks through preventative and reactive actions

Who should attend?

This course is for staff or post graduate students whose role or research project requires them to visit countries rated as high or extreme risk. It is a two day course, delegates must be able to attend both dates.

People attending this event

The table below shows people who are attending this event, click the attendee name to view more details

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